A Conversation for The murder of Kirt Cobain

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Post 1

Researcher 48122

the detctive of the cobain case was TOM GRANT i think? have u seen his site about the cobain case? it's at www.nirvanaclub.com!

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Post 2

Hand of Bod, ACE

great. have you guys perhaps considered that a) Cobain's tolerance may have been heightened as a result of his years of useage and as a result what was a lethal dose for others may have just given the guy a tingle, or something b)he was depressed at the time and Dylan Carlson is behaving somewhat suspiciously re Kurt's murder. there are suspicions that Carlson was actually the one who pulled the trigger and allowed Kurt to shuffle off this mortal coil... but it's a great conversation piece. Kurt said it himself- it's better to burn out than to fade away. if he had lived, Nirvana would have been dead within the year. he was simply tearing himself and the band apart. his death added to the mystique of all that "poor tortured little rock star" shit that was heaped on him. actually, if Kurt could see what was going on with regards to his death right now i suspect he would be pissed to say the least.

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