A Conversation for Pop Pickers Puzzler(Week8)


Post 1

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Oh what?! You're having a laugh ain't you! lol.
I know 2 song titles and 1 artist and that's it smiley - grr.

One thing...with one of the songs I know of the original artists and 2 other remakes. Was the remake a realeased song or just featured on an album?!

Any hoes I think I need to be asking my mum for help on these...MUMMMMMMM...smiley - run


Post 2


All the songs have been released on single and have made the top 40 hope that helps a little bit.
THE smiley - coolsmiley - thief


Post 3

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

No...I don't know any artists now! lol smiley - grr.
Oh well!


Post 4


Hi Sian just thought i would let you know one of my lads has just given me 3 of the artists i didn`t know and knows the songs to go with them..lol


Post 5

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

well that's just fine and dandy...I'll be a loser again smiley - wah

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