Pop Pickers Puzzler(Week8)

5 Conversations


So how did you do with week 7 what you didn`t enter?
don`t worry you wasn`t on your own..Captain Copter entered and he got the highest score we have had so far in the Pop Pickers..As a result he has been allowed FREE
meals and drinks in `ye oLDe tea shoppe` More importantly he gets to set the questions for this week so he has sent me the questions NOT the answers for me to type in so you have to send in the answers to his Email address NOT MINE which is

[email protected]

ALL ANSWERS MUST BE IN FOR MIDNIGHT ON THURSDAY THE 12th JUNE the reason being i am off line from the 14th to the 22nd and need to get the answers typed up before i go offline..
So if you have any problems contact myself (Dandy Highwayman)
or Captain Copter.
Now all i need to do is the questions and here they are..

1/ SONG=

It`s not time to make a change just relax take it easy your still young that your fault there`s so much you have to know find a girl settle down.


3/ YEAR=

4/ SONG=

It`s not time to make a change just relax take it easy your still young thats your fault there`s so much you have to know find a girl settle down.


6/ YEAR=

7/ SONG=

Goodbye to you my trusted friend we`ve known each other since we were nine or ten together we`ve climbed hills and trees learned of love and ABCs skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.


9/ YEAR=

10/ SONG=

Goodbye to you my trusted friend we`ve known each other since we were nine or ten together we`ve climbed hills and trees learned of love and ABCs skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.


12/ YEAR=

13/ SONG=

You took a mystery and made me want it you got a pedastal and put me on it you made me love you out of feeling nothing something that you do and I was there not dancing with anyone.


15/ YEAR=

16/ SONG=

You took a mystery and made me want it you got a pedastal and put me on it you made me love you out of feeling nothing something that you do and i was there not dancing with anyone.


18/ YEAR=

19/ SONG=

If you want to turn me on to oh anything you really want to turn me on to your love sweet love if the night time is the right time oh any time of yours is my time we can find time for love sweet love.


21/ YEAR=

22/ SONG=

Donde esta el hombre con fuego e la stonde I`ve got a secret I cannot keep it it`s just a whisper of a distant memory just a dream or so it seems.


24/ YEAR=

No you aren`t seeing things two lots of the same lyrics but apparently different artists and different years the FIRST is the ORIGIONAL ARTIST and YEAR
the SECOND set is the REMAKE by a
DIFFERENT ARTIST and YEAR..Crafty isn`t he? anyway do him proud and get your entries in for MIDNIGHT THURDAY 12th JUNE

the email address again is

[email protected]

For last weeks quiz click here

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