A Conversation for

i wish

Post 1


hi again i with i had a site like your its cool out of this world even

i wish

Post 2

Evoot - Back in Black!!

do u want me to learn rn u how to do stuff like that in steps??


clairey xx

i wish

Post 3


yeah if its no troble hun smiley - fish

i wish

Post 4

Evoot - Back in Black!!


firstly when u wana al alter ur page u click on edit page at the right which u mite know

when uve done that, if u scroll down to the bottom of the page u shud see summat that says change style....

plain is wat ur using at mo which allows smileys and plain ain stuff
to do all the pics and links and and stuff u must change the he style to GML

if u cannot find it,let me know

that was step 1

i wish

Post 5


yeah i got it are you on pc u could email it to me and il print it out my addys [email protected]

i wish

Post 6

Evoot - Back in Black!!

when i said that hun, thats the first step to making ur space fancy--with pictures etc...

if u wanted med me to do ur space for u id have to to have ur login details

to to put all the fancy stuff on ur space ace u use a language called GML

for color writing u use thehe dots bbbeing ur colour choice

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