5 Conversations

The tales of the Evoot Zombiemooo

My names Claire(y) and I'm 20 and from Gloucester in the south west of the UK. I was a longtime past Leisure District user also and now a regular user of IRC's channel related to gothic culture

smiley - discoStats

Height:5ft 2/3
Hair: Black mohawk shaved but still very long
Piercings: 13 ear

smiley - discoEnjoyments and Pleasures

Music, shopping, antique decor and styling, mohawks, bihawks, minstrel coloration, silvers, bdsm and fetish culture, collecting various things such as jewellery and old teddy bears, horror themes, b-moviesque characters, Comps and geekery, motorbikes, Giggages, cats, horseriding and many many more................... and I AM OBSESSED WITH BLACK AND WHITE!!

I also play standard electric guitar. welcome

smiley - discoMusical Likes

deathrock, 80s, horrorpunk, 'real' punk, rockabilly/pyschobilly/gothabilly and much more..

smiley - discoEvoot's Craftwork

As a main hobby I also do lots and lots of clothing work from designing, to altering and making my own pieces in various styles and influences to me. Corsetry is a big interest of mine.

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