A Conversation for Julian the chilled chinchilla

Alternative Writing Workshop: A1071712 - Julian the chilled chinchilla

Post 1


Entry: Julian the chilled chinchilla - A1071712
Author: Kiltedjedi - UG Miner (2JD+PC into 1KJ =A P*ssed Scotsman (where JD=Jack Daniels, PC =Pepsi cola and KJ =me woohoo)) - U225307

another in dialect, trainspotting for pets

A1071712 - Julian the chilled chinchilla

Post 2


Like it a lot smiley - ok

Small dogs always think they're dead hard, even when they look pathetic...


A1071712 - Julian the chilled chinchilla

Post 3


Cheers Sprout

(That is actually loosely based on a true story I got told when I worked in an off licence in Edinburgh)

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A1071712 - Julian the chilled chinchilla

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