A Conversation for Braveheart Reincarnated

Alternative Writing Workshop: A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 1


Entry: Braveheart Reincarnated - A1071703
Author: Kiltedjedi - UG Miner (2JD+PC into 1KJ =A P*ssed Scotsman (where JD=Jack Daniels, PC =Pepsi cola and KJ =me woohoo)) - U225307

This is written in a scots dialect

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - groan I might have known when i saw the title!

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 3


What do you mean you might have known smiley - laugh

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 4


smiley - whistle

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 5


smiley - groan Now I have to get a translator smiley - winkeye

smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 6


It isnae tha bad man smiley - winkeye

I'll get my coat smiley - run

A1071703 - Braveheart Reincarnated

Post 7


smiley - laugh Well I can barely understand an english dialect. What chance do you have? smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

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