A Conversation for The Contestants and The Vote

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 41


Um... yeah. Me too

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 42


P.S. i think you did sterling work... never could i have remained for a week in a house with orange sofas... too ghastly... sheer torture in fact...

smiley - dragon

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 43


Are we still voting? What's happening?? When do they get out???

I vote Perry!

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 44

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hazel - I have no idea what we should be doing to ensure victory for Peregrine - so I shall hurl a Saturday voting boulder into the ducal in the knowledge that we have done our best. I only hope he deserves it!

smiley - fullmoon

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 45

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

umm... that should have read 'ducal urn'.

vote PEREGRINE !!!

Post 46


CG - have you found the new "Is this..."? Follow me..

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