A Conversation for The Contestants and The Vote
Vote for me BASS_LINE_JUNKIE thank you please
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 8, 2003
good morning blj here are my votes:
vote 1 for sunday
vote 2 for monday
vote 3 for tuesday
Vote for me BASS_LINE_JUNKIE thank you please
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 8, 2003
good morning blj here are my votes:
vote 1 for sunday
vote 2 for monday
vote 3 for tuesday
Key: Complain about this post
Vote for me BASS_LINE_JUNKIE thank you please
More Conversations for The Contestants and The Vote
- This is your chance to vote, its easier than building a moat! VOTE ANGELIC WITCH, VOTE ANGELIC WITCH, ANGELIC WITCH ANGELIC WITCH TO WIN!!!!!!!!! [10]
Jul 13, 2003 - Hi... vote for SerjTankian to win week three and let the ale run wild for everyone!!! [12]
Jul 12, 2003 - Vote Sexy_Lil_Emz! [3]
Jul 9, 2003 - Vote for me BASS_LINE_JUNKIE thank you please [4]
Jul 9, 2003 - Vote for LoZ..go on you know want to... [55]
Jul 9, 2003
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