A Conversation for The Garden

Vegetable Patch ((week 2))

Post 1

AngelicWitch (ACE)

I have watered the plants inthe
Vegetable Patch, which I have really enjoyed? lolx smiley - smiley...

smiley - angelAndreasmiley - witch

Vegetable Patch ((week 2))

Post 2

Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~

smiley - aliensmile

Yes Pyewackitt ... yesss ...... we digs don't we ..... moustache all gone ..... precious moustache ..... nasssty witches made the old Duke immolate hissself .... so we digsssss ... we digs nice holes ... not too deep ....

smiley - aliensmile

how many Pyewackitt ? .... yes we listens ..... and we diggseeees ........

smiley - fullmoon

1 ... 2 .... 3... 4... 5... 6 .... 7........ 8........

Vegetable Patch ((week 2))

Post 3

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Duke, I am a nice, friendly witch. My name is AngelicWitch not evilwitch lolx

*Picking carrotts and cabbages, placing into the basked** (____)
I wish I were a smiley - fairy that could cast some smiley - cool spells...

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