The Coalition Of Terror

1 Conversation

We are the Coalition of Terror! 'Nuff Said.

The three of us have destroyed the original Coalition of Terror, and are now our own Coalition! The previous organization would not permit us to join. They claimed it was because we weren't "up to their specifications." But we know better. WE KNOW THAT WE'RE THE EVILLEST BUNCH OF EVIL....EVIL PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THIS HERE PLANET! No, wait....THIS HERE UNIVERSE! Bwa-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Our most notable member is VolTerror! VolTerror, electricity encarnate, wages war against the forces of good with all of his might!

Avagadro, a clone of the chemist of the same name, is himself an evil chemist bent on global domination! His greatest accomplishment thus far was the creation of an army of 6.02*10^23 moles!

The Overlord Of Darkness, Skip, is one of the most evil villains ever! Though few take him seriously due to his name "Skip," he has proven himself to be an amazing force of evil!

Current Agenda:

Afgncaap5 is in our grasp. Let's crush him!

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