Inorganic Chemistry - Part 2

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Faculty of Science

Part 2: Chemistry of the Group 13 and 14 Elements

  • Field Researcher: Iridium
  • Department: Chemistry
  • Faculty: Science
  • Start Date: 1st April 2003
  • End Date: 15th May 2003
  • Assisting Sub-Editor: Spelugx


The format of the project is a systematic survey of the chemistry of the elements of the periodic table. Each group, and in some cases, individual elements are given their own entry. In the top right hand corner of each entry is the suitable extract from the periodic table. Overview of the Periodic Table covers some of the fundamental concepts that underpins the inorganic chemistry of the elements.

These entries assume some prior knowledge of chemistry though recommended back ground information can be found in:
The Periodic Table
The History of the Periodic Table
Electron Shells and Orbitals
Valence Bond Theory of Chemical Bonding
Molecular Orbital Theory of Chemical Bonding
Acidity and Basicity
Organic Chemistry
Size Matters: How big are molecules?

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