A Conversation for Talking Point: Games - Traditional Versus Virtual

Mixed bag

Post 1

Jeff Anonymous

>>Board or Console? Where do you stand in the great games debate?

Board and PC. I've never owned a console. For games where your opponent is withing physical range, I much prefer a board or a deck of cards or what have you, though I'm rather fond (of course) of automated chess boards as they enforce the rules and provide an opponent as needed. When your opponent is elsewhere or nonexistant, I'd go PC any day.

>>Are traditional board games better for playing with a large group of friends?

They work just as well with 2 or 3 folks.

>>Or do you hold Gran Turismo parties and crowd round the TV cheering each other on?

But if you mean as opposed to electronic entertainment, I'd take Monopoly over that any day as a party game. Or Risk, even better.

>>How long do you spend gaming during the week?

Beats me.

>>Are you a fan of network gaming? Is the Internet the answer to gamers' prayers?

The Internet's a great place to find other bored people.

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