Talking Point: Turning Television into Movies
Created | Updated Jul 3, 2003
It seems like every other summer another old TV show is resurrected for the big screen. Almost always they're a disaster - anyone managed to forget The Avengers yet? Sometimes they manage to capitalise on something in the original and turn it into something much more fun - Mission: Impossible, Charlie's Angels and The Brady Bunch Movie being recent examples. And as in the case of Lost in Space and Scooby Doo, some of them are merely adequate. But surely there are other shows that would make brilliant movies still languishing in some dank, dark archive somewhere?
This week, we're inviting you top play 'Fantasy Movie Making' using old TV shows as your guide.
Which long-forgotten TV shows would you like to see given the movie treatment?
Who would you cast in place of the original actors? Are any of the originals still around to make an ironic cameo?
What sort of tone would your film take? Would it be faithful to the original or would it be full of in-jokes and friendly jokes at the original's expense?
What kind of story would you go for? Would you remake one of the TV episodes but on a bigger scale or maybe go for something that could never have been achieved on TV?
After all your efforts, what kind of reaction do you think your reworking of the show would receive from the fans of the series itself?
Graphic supplied by Community Artist Peet.