A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society
The Shrubbery Hunt
AK - fancy that! Posted Nov 17, 2003
George BUsh said "Satan, what did you say? I didn't hear that last bit"
The Shrubbery Hunt
HAIKEEBA! Posted Nov 17, 2003
No no, it's "Aaaaaaaaug" in the back of the throat.
The Shrubbery Hunt
AK - fancy that! Posted Nov 17, 2003
um ok oh yes of course.
Anyone remember what the clue for the shrubbery hunt was?
The Shrubbery Hunt
MotDoc, Temporarily Exiled to Tartu, Estonia Posted Nov 18, 2003
The clue is all about pregnancy, but I don't get the capitalized letters. They don't seem to make any sensible words.
The Shrubbery Hunt
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Nov 18, 2003
Ummmm, maybe I stuffed up the capiliaed letters.... THis one was sposed to be easy...
OK, would u like a HUGE hint?
The Shrubbery Hunt
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Posted Nov 18, 2003
I still don't get it.
The Shrubbery Hunt
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Nov 18, 2003
OK, Here is the HUGE hint cause I'm sick of this shrubbery:
'I'm a teenager'
OK, that was it, now, tie it into the original clue and SIMPLE!!
The Shrubbery Hunt
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Posted Nov 18, 2003
Still can't find it.
The Shrubbery Hunt
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Nov 18, 2003
OK, here's the original clue, fixed up:
You see, my friend Julia just got preGnant. At our age!!! And another friend of a friend is Pregnant and last year a girl at another friEnd's school was pregNant. Julia's gEtting an Abortion. Does aNyone else thiNk this is sTupid? SeRiosuly!! Cannot beliEve it.
I think that's fixed... well, anyway, the problem is erradicated in the last clue anyways.
The Shrubbery Hunt
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Nov 18, 2003
Whoops, I realised what I was on about last time and that clue isn't right anymore..
you see, my friend juliA just got preGnant. at our age!!! And another friend of a friend is PregnAnt and last year a girl at aNother friEnd's school was pregNant. julia's gEttinG an Abortion. does aNyone else thiNk this is sTupid? seRiosulY!! Cannot bEliEve it.
Ok, I *think* that works, well, you should be able to sort it out, sorta...
The Shrubbery Hunt
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Posted Nov 18, 2003
teenage something??
The Shrubbery Hunt
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Nov 18, 2003
You had it before!!
Just put the bit you just got, with the bit you used to have, and add 'I'm an average teenager' once you get there and you'll get it SOOOO easily!!
My God i might as well just tell you the A number with what I just said!!
The Shrubbery Hunt
Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs Posted Nov 18, 2003
I've found it!!
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The Shrubbery Hunt
- 141: AK - fancy that! (Nov 17, 2003)
- 142: Wøñkø (Nov 17, 2003)
- 143: AK - fancy that! (Nov 17, 2003)
- 144: HAIKEEBA! (Nov 17, 2003)
- 145: AK - fancy that! (Nov 17, 2003)
- 146: [...] (Nov 17, 2003)
- 147: Wøñkø (Nov 18, 2003)
- 148: HAIKEEBA! (Nov 18, 2003)
- 149: AK - fancy that! (Nov 18, 2003)
- 150: MotDoc, Temporarily Exiled to Tartu, Estonia (Nov 18, 2003)
- 151: AK - fancy that! (Nov 18, 2003)
- 152: Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? (Nov 18, 2003)
- 153: Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs (Nov 18, 2003)
- 154: Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? (Nov 18, 2003)
- 155: Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs (Nov 18, 2003)
- 156: Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? (Nov 18, 2003)
- 157: Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? (Nov 18, 2003)
- 158: Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs (Nov 18, 2003)
- 159: Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? (Nov 18, 2003)
- 160: Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs (Nov 18, 2003)
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