The Edge
Created | Updated May 8, 2003

Part Nine
The Lawrence Café. 6.05pm the next day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the future saviour of mankind was waiting for his client. Wickrain adjusted his tie and shifted his weight from one buttock to the other. The red chair he was sitting on curved in a trendy but uncomfortable way and he was nervous. The last time he met Pellicle he kept getting looked at in a strange way, as though he'd danced on Pellicle's grave. At this time of day there were few people in the café. He smiled at a blonde-haired lady on the opposite table. She smiled back.
Pellicle came in through the door carrying a silver laptop. 'Sorry I'm late'; said Pellicle as he sat down at Wickrain's table, 'Traffic. I've no idea who designed the M25, but I'm sure they were practical jokers.'
'No. They're from the Department of Transport.'
'Same thing.' He smiled. 'Wickrain... Is it OK if I call you Reg?'
'No, it's not. There's a very good reason I call myself Wickrain.'
'OK, Wickrain... I have a confession to make. I'm not here to award you a printing contract. I'm here to tell you something and to be honest I don't have the time for you to say things like "OK, this is a wind-up" or "you must be joking".' He put the laptop on the table and opened it so Wickrain could see it. 'I'm not joking and this is not a wind-up.' He handed Wickrain a pair of headphones. 'Here put these on. And whatever you do don't repeat a word that you hear.' Pellicle slotted a DVD into the laptop.
This is what Wickrain heard, from a calm, cut-glass voice, that he swore he recognised:
Hello and Welcome to The Edge program.
It is imperative that you do not repeat what you are about to hear to anyone.
In the 1950s the Earth was contacted by the planet of Mubua, orbiting the star of Alpha Proximi. After brief greetings they informed us that they had made contact in order to warn Earth of its impending peril. The peril was thus:
Earth and, in fact, the entire Solar System was about to fall off the Edge of the Universe. They offered us salvation, a chance to save ourselves. Using electromagnets, attached to Mount Everest, they would power the Earth away from The Edge and place it in orbit around Alpha Proximi. We accepted their offer.
These communications took almost 50 years, due to the distances between our two planets and the Mubuans have only just come into orbit. The Most Secret Society Ever, who handle the communications, has chosen Reginald Wickrain, assisted by two people maximum, to attach the electromagnets. Their reasons are logical and will be made clear in time.
We need you Wickrain.
Wickrain took off the headphones and smiled wryly at Pellicle. 'As much as I love this story, I'm afraid I have to get going' he said. He got up and headed for the door.
Pellicle forgot about the crowd, got up sharply and shouted after him, over the hubbub of the café, 'We know about your dreams Wickrain.'
Wickrain stopped dead. He knew exactly what dreams Pellicle was referring to.
'We know, because we created them. It's what will happen to everyone and this planet if you don't accept. We're sorry to do that, but you have to understand. We need you Wickrain.'
You could cut the tension with a knife1. Everyone was looking at Wickrain, who was burning red, although it was hard to tell whether this was out of embarrassment or anger. They were waiting for him to reply, most of them just to hear what type of dreams Wickrain was having. At this time of day there were a lot of children in the cafe, with a lot of dirty thoughts in their heads.
After about 15 seconds, Wickrain smiled at the blonde-haired lady. She smiled at him.
Wickrain walked out of the café.