The Big Wide Red Dog World

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It's a Kids TV Show

It's a Card Game

The game of red dog is a simple affair; it is actually based on a child's game. In the casino version, each player puts up a wager. Two cards are dealt.

If they are consecutive, the hand is a tie and no money changes hands.
If they are of the same value, a third card is dealt. If this card is also the same, this is a "triple" and winning bets are paid off at 11-1, otherwise the hand is a tie.

If the two cards are neither consecutive nor identical in value, the value difference between them is calculated and one is subtracted from the difference. This is called the spread.

For example, a 6 and a 2 is a spread of 3. A 4 and 6 is a spread of 1, and so on. Aces count as 14, while kings, queens and jacks count 13, 12 and 11, respectively. Suits are of no basic significance.

After the spread has been determined, players are offered the option of doubling their wagers. Then a third card is dealt. If it falls between the values of the first two cards, the players wins. If the card falls outside the values of the first two cards, the players lose their wagers. Players are paid off at even money for spreads greater than 3, 2-1 for a spread of 3, 4-1 for a spread of 2, and 5-1 for a spread of 1.

It's a Company

Red Dog Scientific supplies geophysical, geological and earth science software and exploration equipment. So there !

It's Underwear

It's a Cartoon Character

It's a Mine

Red Dog is one of the largest zinc deposits in the world. The Red Dog Mine produces lead and zinc ore concentrate. It is located in northwest Alaska, approximately 82 miles northeast of Kotzebue and 50 miles inland from the Chukchi Sea. The mine site is located on Red Dog Creek in the Delong Mountains.

It's Ashy Stuff

Red Dog is a term coal miners use in Ohio for coal ash left after a mine fire? It turns red after burning in low oxygen. Thanks to Scandrea for that little tip.

It's Sportswear

It's a Farm Dog

It's a Roadie with the Allman Bros Band

It's Art

It's a Bar

Red Dog Saloon
Those of you who have visited with Rivers in the past know that guest satisfaction is our top priority - both on and off the river. In keeping with our practice of providing you, our guest, with the highest quality recreation program available anywhere, we have greatly enhanced our Resort with the extensive remodeling and expansion of our Red Dog River Saloon.

The Red Dog River Saloon is now TWICE it's former size; climate controlled for your comfort, and designed to maximize your FUN! Whether you're watching the custom video of your whitewater adventure on one of our huge-screen TVs, enjoying a cool beverage, listening to a live bluegrass set or a raging rock band, visiting with old friends or making new ones, you're sure to find the new and improved Red Dog River Saloon an enjoyable and memorable part of your Rivers visit. So, after (or before!) the whitewater, we'll see ya at the Red Dog!

It's a saloon

The Red Dog Saloon, Juneau

Across Admiral Way near the library is the current location of the famous Red Dog Saloon (it's had at least two previous addresses in the vicinity), complete with swinging door, sawdust floors, and assorted oddities such as Wyatt Earp's pistol. The Juneau Police Department is conveniently located next door. Welcome to the world famous Red Dog Saloon. Along with the development of the great Alaska Territory came 20th century communication and transportation systems including regular service by the Alaska Steamship Company. And what was the result? Tourists! Behind the swinging doors, the nostalgic flavor of the legendary Red Dog Saloon continues to prevail; from the sawdust floors to the flag-draped ceiling. Cherished memorabilia of Alaskans displayed include Wyatt Earp's gun, a walrus oosik, trophy wildlife mounts, historical posters and photographs, and currency signed by miners. In the early 70's the Harris Family took over as the proprietors and caretakers of the Red Dog's collection. The Saloon continues to be dedicated to preserving the memory of the men and women of our early prospecting and mining days. The Alaska Legislature has even recognized the Red Dog Saloon for its longevity as the oldest man-made tourist attraction in Juneau.

It's a Dance Club

One of Wicker Park's premiere dance clubs, the Red Dog always features great dance music. They bill themselves as a "Supreme Funk Parlor;" they do not exaggerate. There are two dance floors on the first level that are usually packed with wildly erotically gyrating bodies. The first level also has the bathrooms and a large well-stocked bar. The second level has an additional dance floor and bar, though both are smaller and more intimate. The crowd is wildly diverse-- seemingly united only by the irresistible urge to dance. Chicago Magazine calls it "... a barely converted loft, entered from the alley, all of which adds to faint feeling of illegality." The cover varies from $5 to $10 (weekends).
Monday Red Dog has one of the city's best gay nights.

It's graphics

It's a game

Red Dog is way cooler than anything that could ever come from the Plank Road Brewery. You know those radio controlled cars they always advertise on Radio Shack commercials? Well, they've got nothing on Red Dog, which feels like the lord sovereign of all RC cars. Your ride is a heavily armed, four-wheeled tank that rips through a variety of areas filled with obstacles and enemies to perforate.

"But yeah," you say, "I've played vehicle combat games before. What makes this so great?" Well, Argonaut (the makers of Starfox) created something unique here, and you know it when you get a couple of levels in. The controls, once you get used to them, are darn near perfect, and the feel of bounding over hills and laying waste to unworthy enemies is awesome. And then there's the multiplayer game, which is like kart racing cranked to 11. If you are in the mood for some all-terrain destruction, Red Dog will go down smooth and leave no bitter aftertaste.

It's a Chilli Supper

What is the "Red Dog Chili Supper" Anyway?

The "Red Dog Chili Supper" event is THE fundraiser within the Division of Student Affairs. During Family Week-end, the "Red Dog Chili Supper" event provides a dinner and entertainment for families, with the profits used to endow the Quality of Student Life fund. Below are some of the programs the Division is hoping this fund will help sponsor:

Minority Scholars-in-Residence

Faculty Mentors

Student Leadership Development

Employment Development

This event is an excellent opportunity for Student Affairs staff to collaborate on a worthwhile goal, get acquainted with other Division members, and to contribute to the University community in a broader way than most of our day-to-day responsibilities allow. Volunteers from the various Student Affairs departments are organized into different committees to help bring this wonderful event together.

He's a Aussie Icon

Red Dog is the semi-fictionalised biography of an extraordinary Red Cloud Kelpie - a tough, stocky, short-haired, pointy-eared breed of Australian sheep dog, descended from the Scottish collie - who became a legend in Western Australia during his short life (1971- 1979 RIP).

By the time Louis de Bernières came across a bronze statue of Red Dog while attending the first ever literary dinner in Karratha, a mining town north of Perth, in 1998, the kelpie had already been the subject of two biographies.

That de Bernières, a cat-owner, was inspired to return to Australia and research a third (and, I'd hazard, probably the most distinguished) gives you some idea of the sort of hound we're dealing with: Red Dog, formerly known as Tally Ho, was an intrepid adventurer, a canine Crocodile Dundee who made Lassie look like a wuss, or worse - like a big, fat, smug puss.

Though patently besotted with his subject, de Bernières doesn't shy from revealing Red Dog's less savoury personality traits. That he was a charmer there is no doubt, but our hero was also a greedy petty thief, prone to unleashing violently anti-social farts and very often tick-ridden too.

But what a beast! Like the tough, old red earth where he roamed, Red Dog could only be an Aussie dog. Beloved by almost all who knew him, he was often recognised by those who'd merely heard of him - and a lot of people had heard of the dog from Dampier because he travelled a very long way, hitching rides in cars, buses or trains, invariably making friends long enough to secure a free lunch before heading off on another adventurous walkabout.

I don't know how much time de Bernières has spent in Australia but, judging by the book jacket blurb, it may only have been a few weeks, in which case he has done a particularly fine job of evoking both the idiosyncrasies of the land and the colloquialisms of the speech. There's a glossary of 'Strine (politely called Australianisms) at the back for those readers who don't know their dunnies from their drongos, but it's almost superfluous because de Bernières makes the Western Australian landscape sing.

On a trip to Perth, for example, Red Dog is unimpressed by 'its bottle-brush and peppermint trees, its pretty yellow sourgrass, its military-looking Norfolk island pines, and its shiny modern buildings. He preferred the tougher life up north, with its poverty bushes, its brahminy kites, its silvery river gums, its rock wallabies, its Ruby Saltbush, and its deep red stones. Besides, he had been to Perth before...'

Though apparently aimed at 'younger readers', I'd advise caution before sharing Red Dog's adventures with small children. They'll love the farting and Red's frequent barbecue raids, but there are moments sad enough to have had me sniffing soppily, moist-eyed under the bedclothes. Indeed, when I finished the final chapter I immediately extended a sought-after invitation to my own dog to spend the night on the bed. It's that sort of book.

If you love Australia it will have you aching for the scent of gums and the sight of the Southern Cross sparkling in a dark, velvety sky, while if you love dogs it is sure to make you highly indulgent towards the one you love. And if, as I do, you love Australia and a dog called Possum (for her startling resemblance to the Antipodean marsupial - though her nickname, funnily enough, is White Dog), de Bernières's short, very sweet 'biography' of a highly engaging animal is a particular treat.

It's an Art Movement

Red Dogs line up along the edges of the art-world. They have many objectives.

A row of dogs may be seen along a Melbourne lane way. A lone dog will stand guarding an artwork in the Sydney Biennale.

Their purpose is to put art into the hands of anyone who sees them and takes them home. They aim to be involved in the most important and interesting art events and showings. At times they give the weary gallery visitor something to look at in the absence of decent art.

They are distributed by a person or persons unknown, tracing movement in cities across the world. They inhabit their new environment sometimes for just a few minutes before being destroyed or taken in by a new art collector. Or they may remain for months, changing shape and being forced into compromising positions.

Above all, they are always seen by someone. Their presence is noticed, noted and very red.

It's a group

The Red Dog Singers are from the Star Blanket Cree Nation, and reside throughout File Hills, on the White Calf Reserve , and in Regina, Saskatchewan. The majority of the singers are direct descendants of the late Chief Red Dog. The group proudly carries this name in honor of their late grandfather, and dedicate their efforts to his namesake.

It's another bar

Red Dog Bar and Grill - South Tampa

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