Gordon's UK Trip 2003

5 Conversations

As alluded to in my personal space and in a terse entry in my Journal, I have decided that it's high time to see another continent and have some stamps put in my passport. Accordingly, I'm going to head across the pond and visit Britain at the end of June and beginning of July. (I have a friend who lives in London and I haven't met his wife yet.) I'd also like to see Wales and Scotland, if time permits.

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My schedule

Friday, June 27thDepart Ottawa (YOW) at 0625

Arrive Washington, DC (IAD) at 0754

Depart Washington, DC (IAD) at 0940

Arrive London (LHR) at 2205
Saturday, June 28thLondon - missed the Summer Party due to jetlagsmiley - wah
Sunday, June 29thLondon
Monday, June 30thLondon
Tuesday, July 1stGoing to head to Canada House in the afternoon for Canada Day.
Wednesday, July 2ndIn London. Going to see Les Miserables
Thursday, July 3rdLondon
Friday, July 4thLondon
Saturday, July 5thLondon
Sunday, July 6thLondon
Monday, July 7thBristol
Tuesday, July 8thEdinburgh
Wednesday, July 9thEdinburgh
Thursday, July 10thEdinburgh
Friday, July 11thEdinburgh
Saturday, July 12thReturn to London
Sunday, July 13thNEW RETURN FLIGHT
Depart London (LHR) at 1425

Arrive Montreal (YUL) at 1635

Yes, I end at Montreal, not Ottawa. I'm either going to take the train from Montreal or get someone to pick me up at the airport.
I need ideas for places to go and things to do!!!
If you have suggestions, please post them at the bottom of this entry. smiley - towel

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