A Conversation for Untitiled


Post 1


Good entry! Inspiring, in a 'I'd rather be inspired tomorrow,' sort of way smiley - winkeye. There are really only two things I wanted to point out.
1. There are thirteen. Does that mean that the thirteenth isn't a signal?
2. There are about eight typos in there that sort of threw me off for a second.
Other than that it was a good read. I like the style, made it easy to keep reading smiley - smiley.

smiley - aliensmile


Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Thanks for the comments, that will cheer me on to the finish linesmiley - winkeye

It is a work in progress.
I really must change the spelling and the numbers first!
Or I think a couple could be combined as another option.
Hopefully to finish it this round.

I definitely need an editorsmiley - ok

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