Tom Green Chronicles Mark II

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Whee! It's a Chronicle! Hurray Chronicles!

Giovanni: *staring intently at his computer screen* The power of Isengard is at your command, O Hallowed Jessie... Of... Jessie...ness...

*Jessie's voice sounds shallowly from the computer* Breed me an army worthy of the Citadel.

Articuno: *flies in through a large window, puts its head to the side* Wha' orders from th' Citadel, m'lawd?

Giovanni: ...Get the others. And bring the green jell-o…

Articuno: Eh?

*Pokémon ripping down trees*

James: *gets up, looks over side of tower (where he has been imprisoned)* ...Dude... This is so not cool.

Articuno: Sah why da we need th' gre'n jell-o m'lawd?

Giovanni: *shrugs* I'm hungry?

Articuno: Ri' then... *sighs, flies off, muttering about stupid humans*

James: *who is on the tower, in case you've forgotten* I gotta find a way off here...


Firefly: This was once a great Pokécenter... I can recharge my Pokedex here. So we're staying
here for the night.

Sera: Shouldn't we keep going?

Firefly: Hello? Didn't I just say 'I can recharge my Pokedex here?'

Sera: Meaning?

Firefly: That we stay here tonight.

Jade: *collapses with fatigue*

Segue: *throws his stuff down on the floor, sits beside Jade*

Link: *groans*

Sera: What ever… *takes out a copy of Cosmo and begins reading up on How to Please Her


Firefly: *tosses them each a Pokéball* These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here. *walks off*

Link: Cooollll…

Segue: ...Dude, you need to get a hobby.

Link: *lower lip quivers* But... Pokémon Sapphire!

Jade: *from her makeshift bed of other people's jackets and cloaks* Dude, he's right. Get a girlfriend or something.

Link: *takes out his Gameboy and generally ignores them, muttering things about stupid wastes of sentience*

~even later~

*Sera, Link and Segue are gathered around a fry pan which is situated on top of a fairly small fire.*

Segue: My potato's burst...

Link: Could I have some hash brown?

Segue: Want a potato Sera?

Jade: *yawns, sits up* What are you guys doing?

Segue: Potatoes and nice crispy hash brown... *indicates said food with a toasting fork*

Sera: We saved some for you.

Jade: Put it out, you fools! Put it out! *stamps it out with her boots*

Link: Oh that's nice! You got your nasty boot-germs all over the hash browns!

Segue: You do know what this is a skillet, right Jade?

Jade: Ah. Sorry. *sits down beside them and helps pick dirt off things*

Sera: That script... You know, sometimes it's just pure insanity.

Segue: *plucks an extremely long hair off a chunk of potato and makes a face* You said it...

Link: *mouth full of potato* We ought to deviate.

Jade: You think?

Link: *swallows, nods* It might be more fun.

Segue: He has a point, you know.

Sera: Yeah. It isn't as if Jessie’s ever actually going to find us.

Jade: You make a strong point... *forks some hash brown into her mouth*

War: *screech*


War: Sorry...

Link and Segue: *looks of surprise*

Jade and Sera: *looks of worry*

War and Death: *ride on up*

*They run to the top of the tower, and Death and War come straight at them with their swords drawn.*

Link: Should I throw my Pokéball at them, do you think?

Segue: Do you think that's the sort of thing that's likely to help us right about now?

Link: I could always try.

Segue: Okay then, by all means do it.

Link: *throws Pokéball at War* Go Pokéball!

*Pokéball hits War on the nose, completely fails to yield anything resembling a Pokémon*

War: smiley - bleep it! What the smiley - bleep did you do that for you smiley - bleeping little smiley - bleep!

Link: That’s not good...

War: *walks up, knocks him over*

Link: *sprawls on the ground whimpering* Owwie!

War: *does more or less the same to Segue and Sera*

Segue: *falls, whimpers*

Sera: *falls, but as to avoid conformity, does not whimper*

Jade: *for the sake of continuity, disappears*

War: I can see you, you little smiley - bleep... *takes out a small dagger and stabs Jade in the left
shoulder. She then drops the dagger, apparently forgetting about it.*

Firefly: *from absolutely nowhere* Charmander! Flamethrower now!

Charmander: Char! *belches flame at Death and War*

War: *set aflame* Ow! This is so not cool!

Death: *dually aflame* WELL THIS IS A TRIFLE INCONVENIENT...

*War and Death run away*

Firefly: Ha ha! *points Pokéball at Charmander* Charmander, return!

Charmander: *obediently becomes a small bit of red laser-beam and gets sucked into the
Pokéball in Firefly's hand. He pockets the ball.*

Jade: *once again becomes visible, screams (assorted explicative) in pain* smiley - bleeping smiley - bleep of smiley - bleepin' smiley - bleepers!

Sera: Jade!

Jade: Oh smiley - bleeping smiley - bleep!

Sera: Firefly!

Firefly: On my way! *examines the wound on Jade's shoulder* She's been stabbed by a really nasty looking blade… *picks up dagger, the blade of which promptly vanishes. He pockets the hilt for use in the next chapter* And I don't have any bactine...

Sera: ...So what do we do?

Firefly: The only guys I know hereabouts that have bactine are the Elves. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that she needs some bactine. From the Elves.

Segue: Because they're the only ones that have any?

Firefly: Ever-so...

Sera: Oh... Heh. Why didn't I think of that?

*a bit later*

Firefly: *has Jade slung over his shoulder* Hurry!

Link: I didn't know he was so strong...

Segue: Yeah, he's a bit of a wossname... Waif, en't he?

Link: Wouldn't surprise me terribly if he were an elf...

Segue: You know?

Jade: Ow...! Mind the shoulder...

Firefly: ...Just hold on a bit longer, Jade...

Tom Green Chronicles Mark II

Jedi Jade

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