In Other Words

2 Conversations

In Other Words by Amy the Ant

'In the beginning, the earth was created. Some time later...quite a bit later...ok, so much later that it hasn't even occurred yet, it was destroyed when the sun blew up.'

Excruciatingly Brief History of the World

HAA!! That was funny, right? RIGHT? Tell me that was funny. No? Fine. Be that way. You'll have to pardon me, because right now everything is funny. Why? I'll give you three reasons. 1)Caffeine. 2)Lack of sleep. 3)Sugar rush. Ok, that and I'm known to be a tad1 hyperactive. I think you'd all agree with me. And what's wrong with that, you ask? Or maybe you don't ask...either way. *ahem* NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING! Why is everyone so gosh darned serious all the time? Whatever happened to silliness? Maybe someone ate it...maybe not.

Why I want to be British:

  • They have a cool accent
  • They've got tea time
  • They've got Oxford
  • They've got a Monarchy
  • They've got Big Ben

Ok, back on task. Task. Why be on task anyway? Why can't I be spontaneous? Like this!

smiley - hotdog

Oooh!! That just reeks spontaneity! Let's try it again.

smiley - hotdog

*shudder* Makes me feel all tingly. If there's one advantage to silliness, it's that tingly feeling I just got which you would probably get off the street from any illegal substance, but this is so much less expensive!

*ahem* Well...five minutes just passed where I sat staring at my clock until...well...five minutes past. So...

Things that scare me:

  • Spiders
  • Heavy rocks
  • Fiberglass
  • Dirty socks
  • Stoichiometry
  • Uranium

*PHEW*! Scary stuff, man! Ya know why I think I'm silly? Monty Python influence. In

fact, I'd like to share with you all a little tribute sketch I wrote up in honor of Python.


MAN 1: This parrot is dead, sir!

MAN 2: No it isn't.
MAN 1: Yes it is, see? (taps cage)

MAN 2: Maybe I ate it.

MAN 1: What?

MAN 2: I ate it.

MAN 1: Oh. Well that would explain things then, wouldn't it.

MAN 2: Yummy.

MAN 1: Oh bother.

Needs a little work, I know...I'll see what I can do.

Things that make me sad:

  • Sad things

That one took work, it did.

My point? Be sillysmiley - weird. Laugh, live, love, and make a fool of
yourself. Live as though no one will make fun of you. (Even though they probably will.) Thanks
for your time, you've been a great audience, remember to tip your waitress. Beam me up,

Your Little h2g2'er,

Darth Zaphodsmiley - planet

In Other Words Archive

17.04.03 Front Page

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1By a tad we mean A WHOLE FREAKING LOT.

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