A Conversation for h2g2 Society of Time Travellers
Request Time-Travelling Medic
teamelectra Started conversation Nov 28, 2004
Traveller Teamelectra here,
I request permission to become the Medic for the H2G2 Society Of Time Travellers. I have studied the theories of Galen, Hippocrates, Vesalius, Pare, Harvey, Lister, Jenner, Pasteur, Koch as well as Florence Nightingale. I am also a Non-Commisioned Officer in St. John Ambulance, and I own a Type 27 TT Time Capsule in the form of a 1950's Cadillac Ambulance. I do so desperately hope that you'll allow me to travel through time assisting the poor and needy (Except for the Plague, there I can't help as time must be left to its own devices, I am to cure only the injured Time Travellers)
Best Wishes to all,
Corporal X
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