The h2g2 Poem

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The Many Lives of Angel Man and Scrapper

Angel-Man has journeyed far -

He's following a secret star.

His visions give him eyes of flame

And destiny re-writes his name.

Angel-Man is fierce and kind -

Has wisdom-scars along his mind.

Illusion is his dusty skin -

His hungry soul is way too thin.

And Scrapper-Dog - a scruffy hound -

With Angel-Man does travel round.

He grins at you with broken teeth -

He growls at ghosts and heals your grief.

So Angel-Man and Scrapper-Dog

Are driving through the smoky fog.

And Scrapper-Dog does shake and howl -

The atmosphere is stained and foul.

And Angel-Man feels murder-dread

And Scrapper-Dog sniffs out the dead.

Two dreamers out there on the road -

They've seen it all, they've cracked the code.

Be careful you who deal in hate -

For Scrapper-Dog will hound your fate!

And Angel-Man will make you weep -

He'll talk of love and haunt your sleep.

So Mrs. X was all alone -

Her soul was aching to the bone.

One day she could endure no more -

She walked out through that final door.

And there, beyond the mystic veil -

A spirit-dog with wagging tail

Did chase her back from whence she came -

Her joy and life-force to reclaim.

And Angel-Man with shining eye

Said 'T'was not yet her time to die!'

Two dreamers out there on the road -

They've seen it all, they've cracked the code.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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