A Conversation for Lorem ipsum

And this was the unnecessary piece of information for today

Post 1


... but I liked it as well smiley - smiley Liked the translated phrase for some reason. I do think there are people who want and search pain simply because it's pain... but it propably gives them something... so then the sentence below makes sense...

('There is no one who loves pain itself, searches for it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain. . .')

And this was the unnecessary piece of information for today

Post 2


Well, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch wasn't heard of until the late 19th Century so we could say that masochism hadn't been invented in Cicero's day. smiley - biggrin

And this was the unnecessary piece of information for today

Post 3

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

*looks up masochism*
*finds no Entry*

I didn't know that was named after a person!

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