A Conversation for Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Become a Wizard

Post 641

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - huh

Become a Wizard

Post 642

Hilarious Joke

smiley - erm

Become a Wizard

Post 643

Kiro Yukai (Ravenclaw, God, Merc. Bounty Hunter, Weredragon... and much much more!!!)

Well, you're part right on your discription of dementers. there are another two aspects to their torture. In the process of feeding of your hapiness, you will endlessly relive your worst memories. they can also suck out your soul through their lips.

Become a Wizard

Post 644

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - ghost

Become a Wizard

Post 645

Sir Cadogan, Hogwarts Knight

Cadogan: "well met young squires, I would have easily fended off those demon types if I wasn't a painting i ould have given them one of these! *swings sword wildly* and one of these *swings sword randomly* and finished it off with this" *runs into a tree* "well, maybe not one of those, persay. but you see what I mean!"

Become a Wizard

Post 646

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist


Become a Wizard

Post 647


The word "Dementor" comes from the word depression. When in the presence of a Dementor you lose all happy feelings and feel that you will never be happy again, much like being depressed or suffering depression. The way to feel better when suffering depression is to eat chocolate which contains something to 'lift spirits' so to speak. JK Rowling's Professor Lupin gave Harry and company chocolate after being in the presence of the Dememtor.

Become a Wizard

Post 648

Kiro Yukai (Ravenclaw, God, Merc. Bounty Hunter, Weredragon... and much much more!!!)

And of course a Patronus is about the opposite of a Dementor.

Become a Wizard

Post 649

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Not just that, it protects the owner, like a powerfull protector: As in a patron.

Become a Wizard

Post 650

Blood God (Slytherin) - Dark Eldar Warrior - Bounty Hunter

That chocolate sounds suspiciously like drugs to me!

Become a Wizard

Post 651



Become a Wizard

Post 652

Blood God (Slytherin) - Dark Eldar Warrior - Bounty Hunter

Well it makes you nice and high and who knows it could be addictive. I know lets market it.

Become a Wizard

Post 653



I'm afraid Hersheys has already beaten you to the punch... sorry.

Become a Wizard

Post 654

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

IMHO, 'Dementor' seems more similar to 'dementia' than 'depression'. Dementia is a form of mild insanity, which I imagine would be triggered by having to constantly relive your worst memories - unless of course you're an already insane sado-masochist, in which case the Dementors would probably have little or no power over you. And Cadbury's seems to have beaten Hershey's.

Become a Wizard

Post 655

Hilarious Joke

I think that in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' the movie, the dementors are going to be pretty scary. I recently read the first three Harry Potters again, and I've decided the first is the best. I agree that Cadburys beats Hersheys overall, but I love Hershey's Cookies and Cream and also the peanut butter cups.

Become a Wizard

Post 656

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I think the dementors are going to be a cross between the Nazgûl from LOTR and Death from Monty Python's meaning of life.

Become a Wizard

Post 657

Kiro Yukai (Ravenclaw, God, Merc. Bounty Hunter, Weredragon... and much much more!!!)

Ever read the "wheel of time" series, theres a creature in those that has the ability to suck souls out of people through their mouths too, can't recall what their name was though...

Become a Wizard

Post 658

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Quite likely, Rowling did quite a lot of shopping for her books.

Become a Wizard

Post 659

Kiro Yukai (Ravenclaw, God, Merc. Bounty Hunter, Weredragon... and much much more!!!)

*whistles, and is bored*

Become a Wizard

Post 660

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

That makes 2 of us. I've been watching my convo list for about 2 hours, it's hardly twitched.

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