A Conversation for The Wales and Belgium As Units Of Geographic Measurement
Elentari Started conversation Apr 14, 2003
Very good! I actually remeber seeing something on Alistair McGowan's Big Impression where he was "being" Hugh Edwards the Newsreader, who is of course Welsh, and complaing that countries were also compared to Wales (size wise) and then saying "Why can't they say an area the size of Belgium"! Although as you point out, Belgium is twice the size.
I really like the entry but I'm not sure that a piece like this, which, while it is very entertaining, is really the sort of thing they are looking for.
Vip Posted May 23, 2003
I can't offer any points or anything helpful, but I do think that this entry is fantastic. It's highly entertaining, whilst seeming highly informative. It's one of those topics that you never think about but is blindingly obvious.
Definitely has my approval. It's just a shame that I can't be helpful in any way!
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