Temple of the Earth

2 Conversations

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Pentagram in a circle, two candlesThis is a temple dedicated to worship of mother earth. Few people actually realise how beautiful the earth is, but just look around. There are sunsets,Green Flash rainbows,Rainbow animals,Auroras and loads of other great things. Lets face it, its a great place.


To raise awareness about how great a place the earth actually is, and to try and stop people polluting it, and leaving animals with nowhere to live. Also, to stop rearing huge numbers of animals, and keeping them in confined spaces, mutilating them so they take up less room, then cruelly cutting their lives short to meet with consumer demand.

Just think of the earth as a person, someone who can feel pain, and anguish. Just think of how she must be feeling to be treated in such a way.

A squonk's tear

If everybody saw the earth for what it was; a huge organism, and realised that humans are only one kind of life in a huge interlocking web, which is so finely balanced, then we would be living in better times. It doesnt take much; recycling instead of throwing away, buying organic produce, recycled paper, it all helps. Together, we can give the earth the respect she deserves.

Please join me in helping to preserve the spirit that lets us inhabit her shores.

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