A Conversation for The Miffed Penguins Club
Seedless Watermelons
Tumsup Started conversation Aug 16, 2007
Of the joys of summer certainly one of the most sublime is the taste of watermelon. Cold, sweet juice mingled with the salty tears of gratitude that nature could make such perfection.
Then, the serpent in the garden; some rttw discovers seedless watermelons. The seeds are a nuisance, I know, but the seeds are a sign that the fruit is ripe. A seedless watermelon is a freak that turns red before it's ripe. Then people buy them for the convenience and then, God knows how, don't notice that they don't taste like watermelons. But my gripe is not with these people. I feel sorry for them.
It's that the markets here will only stock one kind of watermelon and it's not the kind that tastes like watermelon. I've been robbed of part of summer, of joy, of life.
Seedless Watermelons
Tumsup Posted Aug 16, 2007
Seeds in grapes is also a safety issue. They train you not to chew so hard on them so as to liberate the bitter part of the skin. Which spoils the mood, which makes one cranky, which makes one say regrettable things to persons larger than oneself. Which is a safety issue.
Seedless Watermelons
Tumsup Posted Aug 17, 2007
Seeds in dates were specified as per requests to boost employment of dentists.
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Seedless Watermelons
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