A Conversation for The Campaign to Promote Respect for Microbes: An Awareness Program
You, too, can have your very own stuffed microbial organism
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Started conversation Apr 27, 2004
Why didn't you think of this, Farlander?
(Click on "additional images" to see the best pictures)
You, too, can have your very own stuffed microbial organism
Farlander Posted Sep 8, 2004
Hey Mikey,
I didn't notice this post sitting here 'til today! I've seen those cute little critters, actually - at http://www.giantmicrobes.com. You know, the strange thing is.... years ago my best friend and I were talking about how cool it would be to start our own microbe merchandise factory, and make microbe toys (imagine your kids bringing a plush phage to bed) and CCGs (the immune system vs pathogens; we thought the name Natural Killers would do wonders for the games
) and children's books and stuff... alas, like many of our projects, this one never got off the ground.
Hey, by the way, we just started a forum at http://microbionuts.forumer.com - we've been trying to look for microbiology forums online, and failing at every turn, so we decided to start one ourselves. The only thing is, most of the members there so far are our friends from a game site, and we certainly aren't attracting enough scientists at this point (and the science boards aren't going anywhere at the mo). If you have time, feel free to pop in.
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You, too, can have your very own stuffed microbial organism
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