The h2g2 Post 27.01.25

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 27th January 2025

This week's title is Up, Down, and All Around. From left to right, because all of the photos are seen as through slits: By the title, a vanilla scratch cake. Beneath it, a couple from the statue group Angels Unawares, depicting refugees, a hillside in Gran Canaria at sunset, a Roman eagle statue, the frozen lake at Burton Mere, the Colosseum in Rome, the frozen Averon River in Scotland, the Arch of Constatine sharing a column with an early sunrise over the Scottish village of Tain, and a nude (but well-bearded) garden gnome sitting atop a photo of an open door, where catprints in a circle in the snow tell a story about who didn't want to go out in that white stuff.

It has been a cold week at the Post Office. Around lunchtime the other day, we noticed an odd smell. In addition to being smelly, the house got quite cold. Since it was -16°C we didn't wait, but called for help from the farm immediately. Help arrived quickly. Experts were consulted. We went out to eat and warm up while the experts did their thing. I rejoice to say that it is now toasty warm in here. Outside glories in the balmy temperature of -5C at the moment. People: stay warm, and keep your relatives with skills and tools on speed dial.

Since we're not the only ones with winter tales to tell around here, we have more interesting weather to show you this week. SashaQ has some wonderful phenomena to show you, and Paigetheoracle gets downright atmospheric and painterly. The cats have Opinions about snow, as you will see.

FWR escaped the snow for a bit. He was off to Rome to meet up with an old friend. He'll tell you all about it in the appropriately-named 'XLII.' See the Eternal City through his eyes and meet some surprising birds.

Willem has no snow. He has, however, been time travelling again and has a rare and wonderful dinosaur to show you.

The sun continues to rise and set. We have no complaints about this, as we'll take all the normality we can get these days. Various people have caught it rising and setting in different ways over an assortment of picturesque venues. Please admire.

Paigetheoracle and I engage in dueling poetry on the subject of death. Not Death (we have avoided capital letters), but nonetheless. Paige's is gloomier, but chacun à son goût.

If you're up for cheerier things, there's cinema, a quiz (from Rome!), cartoons, comics with terrible puns in, and a cake recipe. Full disclosure: the cake's gluten-free. I made it for Elektra's birthday. Mrs Hoggett ate some and pronounced it good, so there. It will prove that gluten-free cakes don't have to be lifeless.

So, off you go: read all this. Be nice to the photographers, artists, writers, and poets. Especially the poets: it takes nerves of steel to perpetrate verse in this day and age.

Have a good week, and stay away from the news media. It's beginning to look more and more like a Philip Dick novel out there.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Feeding squirrels is one of life's cheapest pleasures. They're literally thankful for peanuts. Imagine if a giant gave you a free sandwich every day twice the size of your arm.

– Derek Guy

Montage of clock images.

January 2025 Create Challenge:
Change: Blessing or Curse?

Video Extra:
Sheep and Yummy Hay
Click here in Ripley

This Fellow Wasn't Cold:
Deinocheirus, the Terrible Hand

Deinocheirus by Willem.




Tourist with camera in Rome.


Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria just after sunset, by Milla.

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