A Conversation for Rurouni Kenshin - A Romantic Japanese Swordsman's Tale

Some small errors

Post 1


1. name:
"Shinomori Aoshi
Aushi is the leader of the Oniwabanshu, a band of Ninja"

The name in the paragraph is mispelled. It should be.

"Shinomori Aoshi
Aoshi is the leader of the Oniwabanshu, a band of Ninja"

2. title:
The Movie - Samurai X: Requiem for the Ishin

is incorrect. The correct title is

The Movie - Samurai X: Requiem for the Ishinshishi
or you could write
The Movie - Samurai X: Requiem for the Ishin shishi

depending on your transliteration scheme, but don't forget the "shishi".

Some small errors

Post 2

SchrEck Inc.

Fixed! smiley - ok

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