A Conversation for Plymouth Argyle FC
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Started conversation Jul 20, 2003
Great to see argyle on h2g2, I am a long suffering fan but these days I find cause to be wildly optimistic!
Keep up the good work !
Bluto Posted Jul 22, 2003
A well written piece. I live on Merseyside and have a friend who is a big Argyle fan. I've been dragged to many very tedious games but have always been suprised at the number of Plymouth fans who turn up.
One criticism - you missed out why a team that's as far from Scotland as it's possible to be in Britain is called Argyle (Argyle Terrace or soemthing isn't it?).
Bluto Posted Jul 22, 2003
A well written piece. I live on Merseyside and have a friend who is a big Argyle fan. I've been dragged to many very tedious games but have always been suprised at the number of Plymouth fans who turn up.
One criticism - you missed out why a team that's as far from Scotland as it's possible to be in Britain is called Argyle (Argyle Terrace or soemthing isn't it?).
Number Six Posted Jul 22, 2003
Thank you both! Ferrettbadger - Sturrock's done wonders, hasn't he? Although the lack of new signings makes me wonder about next season.
Bluto - you'll find the answer at A954209. Enjoy!
Number Six
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