
2 Conversations

The Perfect Dish

One of the most asked for dips in the whole line of chip dips is guacamole. A perfect mixture of avocados and other tasty ingredients, guacamole is a Mexican dish that can be put on tacos, burritos, tortilla chips, and even rice! Though guacamole doesn't look like much, almost every person likes it. A mushy green, it turns a lot of people away just by looking at it. But, once you have tasted it, you cannot put it down! Even plain, guacamole is a tasty treat.

Anyone Can Make It

All guacamole needs is an avacado, some chilis, and some other common household ingredients! Plus, homemade guacamole tastes a lot better than the guacamole that you can buy in stores, not only on account of the fact that it is fresh. The recipes are actually better! So, if you've never had guacamole before, or just want a recipe, read below!

Recipe (The Best Part)

To start off, you need about 2 or 3 cups of avocado flesh. That's the mushy stuff under the skin.

Next, you need 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of chopped dried chilis, depending on your taste (you can normally find these whole in supermarkets). The type of chili also depends on your taste.

Then 3 cloves of garlic (Ignore your breath; the taste alone is worth it), 1/2 of a medium onion, chopped, 3 tsp of oregano, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Mix all of this in a stainless steel or glass bowl, and let it sit out in the open for about an hour. After it is done, cover it with plastic wrap. Be sure to keep the avocado seed in the mixture! This not only helps keep the guacamole green, but also fresh. But if you don't want to do that, give it a squirt of lemon juice!

After it's sat for an hour, dip in a chip, or slop it on your taco! You're ready!

Some Etymology...

It might be interesting for you to know that the word "guacamole" comes from a combination of "testicle" and "sauce", making guacamole "testicle sauce"!


There are many variations of guacamole. In fact, the recipe can differ from family to family. Some people are known to put some sour cream in it, just a spoonful, to make it more creamy. Some people add some salsa, to give it more bite. Some people even put some lime or lemon juice in it. The important thing to remember is to experiment, and find the recipe that works for you.

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