A Conversation for Chris de Burgh - Singer/Songwriter


Post 1

Yvonne aka india

This is a great article and very informative, but is a direct lift from Chris's biography on the Chris de Burgh official website. Isn't there something in the writing guidelines about this?


Post 2


I don't know if it's a direct lift, but I would have liked to read more about Chris himself and some background to his life and links to what he has recorded. As a past member of a forum relating to everything about Chris there was so much that I discovered about him. For example he is very committed to his fans and makes himself available whenever he can to answer questions etc. His own website is indeed a mine of information.

If anyone who likes him and his music ever gets a chance to watch him live or on one of his DVDs this closeness between himself and his very ardent fans will be very obvious.


Post 3


Forgot to put in the datecfor the entry I just posted. It is ...1st July 2007

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