A Conversation for Austin Powers - the Movie Trilogy
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Wampus Started conversation Feb 4, 2003
Acutally, the TV series that Fred Savage is best known for is called "The Wonder Years." For those who haven't seen it, the show is similar to the movie "Stand By Me," in that it is a coming-of-age story with an often humorous voiceover narration by the grownup version of the main character.
Hmm, I feel a guide entry coming on...
Factual Correction
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Feb 5, 2003
That was so my fault - many apologies - that's what comes of listening to Bowie's Greatest Hits while editing.
Would your guide entry be on the Wonder Years or Stand by Me? The latter's one of my fave films ever. Loved the TV show Wonder Years too though.
Factual Correction
Wampus Posted Feb 5, 2003
It would be on The Wonder Years, if I were to write one. But I'm slow at writing Guide Entries, so it might be a while.
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