A Conversation for Austin Powers - the Movie Trilogy
Good work!
OwlofDoom Started conversation Feb 4, 2003
This article is very well documented and informative, well done.
I have, however, spotted a few minor typos:
Footnote 1: "British slag term" (though perhaps true) I assume you mean "slang" here.
Dr Evil bio: "Power's" should read "Powers's" or "Powers'" if you must.
I did spot one other, I believe, but I've lost it now ... never mind.
Good work!
Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!) Posted Feb 4, 2003
I think you might refer to the "Directed by directed by Jay Roach" line as the one you spotted but then lost... That's the one I found, anyways.. Along with the slag footnote.
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Good work!
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