A Conversation for 'Band on the Run' - the Cover Stars
A correction and an interesting fact.
Cheerful Dragon Started conversation Mar 5, 2003
The correction relates to the part about Christopher Lee. He did *not* play Gandalf in Lord of the Rings. That part was played by Sir Ian McKellen. Christopher Lee played Saruman, the leader of the Wizard Council who teamed up with Sauron.
The interesting fact relates to Michael Parkinson. He only agreed to appear on the album cover if Paul MacCartney would agree to appear on Parkinson's chat show. Paul didn't fulfil that agreement until 2002 - nearly 30 years after the album was released!
A correction and an interesting fact.
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 5, 2003
Whhops wrong role for Lee.
I thought I did mention the Parky interview fact in the article at least it was i the original.
A correction and an interesting fact.
Crazy Mike Posted Mar 5, 2003
And another one...
In the bit about Clement Freud, you've said that he was elected in 1973, but the footnote says that the seat was created in 1983. That's a bit wrong, i would think...
A correction and an interesting fact.
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 5, 2003
The Original foot note was that in 1983 the constituency changed it's name to North-West Campbridgeshire.
Some sub ahs gone and changed it
A correction and an interesting fact.
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 5, 2003
Admittedly it wasn't 100% clear but it is to any politically minded person on the original.
Since 1983 North West Cambridgeshire
A correction and an interesting fact.
Crazy Mike Posted Mar 5, 2003
Ah right...
Cool article though!
A correction and an interesting fact.
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 5, 2003
Not your fault just need an italic to sort this out though
A correction and an interesting fact.
casper - shadow rider Posted Apr 29, 2003
This correction concerns the wording of Denny Laine's connection with the Moody Blues. Although he only recorded one album with them, they have released 25 albums (18 original and 7 compilations), not just one as stated. (my personal favorite is 'Seventh Sojourn' released in 1972.
Moody Blues Albums:
1967 Days of Future Passed
1968 In Search of the Lost Chord
1969 On The Threshold of a Dream
1969 To Our Children's Children's Children
1970 A Question of Balance
1971 Every Good Boy Deserves Favour
1972 Seventh Sojourn
1974 This Is .....
1977 Caught Live + 5
1978 Octave
1979 Out Of This World (Compilation)
1981 Long Distance Voyager
1983 The Present
1986 The Other Side of Live
1987 Prelude
1988 Sur La Mer
1990 Blue
1991 Keys of the Kingdom
1993 A Night At Red Rocks
1994 Time Traveller (5-CD box set)
1996 The Very Best of The Moody Blues
1997 Caught Live + 5 (Re-release)
1998 Anthology
1999 Strange Times
2000 Hall of Fame
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A correction and an interesting fact.
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