A Conversation for The 'Shoes' Books by Noel Streatfeild
You've Got Mail
irish_koski Started conversation May 2, 2003
I cannot remember the exact details, but apparently some of the Shoes books were out of print before the movie You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. The producers let the publishers know that the Shoes books were going to be referred to in the film and the publishers re-printed them and made a packet!
You've Got Mail
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted May 2, 2003
They didn't do a rather rush job on getting them back in print. Of the 3 books that came back in print in the US (Ballet Shoes, Theater Shoes, and Dancing Shoes), Theater Shoes had least had *massive* misprints and bits missing (sentences here and there everywhere, but an entire paragraph from the climax!).
You've Got Mail
Aliphil Posted May 7, 2003
Plus if the American Theatre Shoes is the same text as the current British ed of Curtain Up, it's abridged from the original anyway. (If the bit where Sorrel is in shows to entertain the troops seems mixed up, it's abridged; in the original there are two separate shows and in the first she meets a Chinese soldier who gives her a present.)
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Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted May 7, 2003
No, the bit about the Chinese soldier giving her the present is definitely in the book. Just checked. Cause that's where Miranda gets all mad and stinky.
You've Got Mail
Aliphil Posted May 13, 2003
Oh well, you're lucky then. In the pb I had as a kid that bit (and I think some others) were cut. I only found out a couple of years ago but managed to get myself an unabridged hb PDQ!
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