Stavromula Beta

2 Conversations

KaraokeMusic pulses through everything, it throbbes through your limbs, it dissolves the very rythem of your body and replaces it with it's own coursing beat.

Once inside you have to pause a moment and allow your eyes to adjust to the low level of light. The constant flashing of lazers, strobe lights, and mirror balls makes this a difficult task. After a moment or two you adjust and are free to go on in. Fog machines pour smoke over the floor while smoke from burning ciggarettes fills the air over head.

The room is large and fan shaped, with the walls going out at diagnals from the entrance and then curving around to form the back wall. The Room is divided in to two parts. The upstairs and the downstairs. You are currently in the upstairs, commonly known as "The Upperside". Below is "The Pit"


Bottles of tequila and the blue agave plant

The Upperside serves much as a balcony, with a largish diamond shaped hole in the center with a railing all the way around, allowing people to watch others dancing in the Pit. The Upperside has two bars, one along either wall, and there are several tables towards the back wall where the floor is wider. On occasion a bar fightsmiley - injured breaks out but things are usually fairly calm. This is were many people come to chat, hang out, and have a generally good time.


The usuals at the bar.

This is where all the action is. People here don't seem to care what kind of fools they look like, just so long as they're having fun. It seems more like a frezy than any posible DJ mixing on the turntable.type of actual dancing. The music is nearly deafening as it always is. That's the way the people like it and the DJ doesn't argue. On occasion live bands come in to play, driving the rave to a new level of insanity. All in the name of fun. Everyone here is intent on having a good time.


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