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A man and a woman are sitting calmly at the bar having a drink. They are both chatting and having a good time. Suddenly a man who has been at the bar all day begins to talk to the woman. This is not an unusual case and nothing would have happened had the drunken man not said some choice words or done some ofensive actions. We won't go into the details and just simply say that the other man was forced to step and protect his woman. At first he calmly asks the man to "Shove the smiley - bleepoff". The drunk happy to help shoves the man, then smashes off the end of his beer bottle on the bar and advances. The man quickly recovers and places a kick directly in the drunkard's stomach, who then doubles over. The man comes up behind him twist his arm around to his back and jams it sharply up ward, forcing the drunk to drop the remains of the bottle. The drunk then proceeds to wrap his leg around the mans and attempts to throw the man to the ground. This doesn't work particularly well, him being drunk and all, and they both end up sprawled on the floor. Suddenly a pair of bouncers appear, grab the two men and start to take them away. The drunk is thrown outside but you the other man in the crowd. Just as you are about to turn back to your drink, you catch something out of the corner of your eye. You see the bouncer forcing the man down to the pit and on through a door just beyond the DJ.
Your curiosity gets the better of you and you follow them on down. As you approach the door a bouncer steps into you path. "What'd you want?" he asks, as his eyes search over your body as if apraising you.
You say:

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