A Conversation for Air Guitar

air guitar for sale

Post 1


I have a classic fender air guitar for sale.It's in good condition and has a new set of strings. It needs some tuning however and is quite cumbersome.Personally sad to sell it but the neighbours have unfortunately lowered the garden fence and can see into the spare room where most of my air guitar practice occurred. They already believe me to be somewhat "deficient in eloquence and ettiquette" and if they saw me in mid solo to zeppelins whole lotta love ...again, the walk up the path in the morning would be embarrassing.
Please send cash and Will send guitar.Have air amp also but it only goes up to eleven.

air guitar for sale

Post 2

Action Jackson

Is it an American Strat? If it is I am definitely interseted, but if it's one of those "Hecho en Mexico" pieces, no way.

I take my air guitar very, very seriously, having studied under the likes of Eddie Van Air, Air Satriani, and of course "Air" Jordan. I would be very upset if, mid way through "Eruption", I found my air guitar out of tune.

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