The h2g2 Post 06.01.25

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 6th January 2025

This week's title is Indoors and Out. Clockwise from upper left: A gignerbread house illuminated from  inside, a view of the street outside the Post Office when everything is covered with snow, a hand holding a mini-jigsaw puzzle of the Mona Lisa, a black-and-white Tennessee Walker horse in a green-and-brown winter field, a very threatening sky over the sea at sunset, many juncos adorning bare bushes in winter, a Scottish landscape with green, red, and brown bushes, bare trees, and frosted limbs, an orange-and-white cat curled into a ball, and a wetland landscape with a flock of low-flying lapwings.

Welcome to 2025. We may not have wanted it, but we've certainly got it. Today is Epiphany. An epiphany is when you see something supernatural. It can also be a sudden insight. May your epiphanies today be many and joyous.

We've had a few epiphanies, ourselves, which is why this issue of the h2g2 Post is so enlightening. You see what I did there: I much better at chasing associations than I am at appreciating puns. As I pointed out last week, one of Bluebottle's characters died before I figured out that his name was supposed to be a pun. Bluebottle soldiers on this week, and if he doesn't run out of red this should be a pretty wild series.

We have other cartoons and comics, too, as well as essays and stories and cinema review you may find as unbelievable as I did (I had to fact-check it). This week's story section comes to you courtesy of Bluesky and Twitter/X's writers, who make up all sorts of games to keep their brains active. The one I've been participating in is called #vss365 and it's dead simple: there's a daily prompt word, anything from a simple word like 'drama' to something outré like 'axolotl'. You're supposed to make up a flash fiction or poem or whatever using the prompt. Since it's been holiday season and certain parties were too busy celebrating to write, you get a selection of mini-stories from me. Share and enjoy – and send more Stuff.

Most of this week's issue is taken up with photography, though. There are some spectacular views: lovely landscapes, amazing wildlife, etc. And then there are the weird things we saw, collected, or, in FWR's case, baked. Merry days indoors and out, indeed. If we must be pushed into this year, reluctantly, we owe it to ourselves to make January as much fun as possible.

Please read, discuss, share, and go out and take more pictures in all weathers. Just remember to keep your feet dry.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Today I did a CPR Drill in the role of 'the dead person.'
I was not very convincing,
I'm ticklish.

‪Ms. Winston Smith‬ ‪‬‬‬

Montage of clock images.

January 2025 Create Challenge:
Change: Blessing or Curse?

Video Extra:
Cat Has a Seat at the Table
Click here in Ripley

Round Cat

TJ the orange-and-white cat curled up into a ball.



Amadores, Gran Canaria

View of Gran Canaria by Milla.


Sunset After Storm
Sunset over the Dee Estuary, by SashaQ.

The Post Office

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