The h2g2 Post 24.06.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 24th June 2024

This week's title is Come Rain or Come Shine. Clockwise from upper left: A tufted duck making ripples in water, bright pink peonies, a cartoon of a fish on grass thinking 'This is embarrassing', raindrops on a window, a dragonfly on a stalk, the Irish coast at high tide in summer, a gaggle of geese beside the medieval fortifications of 's-Hertogenbosch, and a brilliant red lily.

It's summer: time to admire beautiful things. Ducks swim peacefully, while geese are bent on conquest. Dragonflies ignore them. Flowers shout, 'Hey, look at me!' while driftwood is quietly decorating the Scottish coast.

Humans travel: they notice things. Come see what Milla saw in Ireland. (She wasn't keen on the driving.)

Sometimes the sun shines. Sometimes it rains and makes nice patterns. Look at all of it, please. Admire the planet we live on. Be nicer to it.

Meanwhile, humans do creative things. Why have all the postboxes in Dingwall broken out in decorative yarnsuits? Creativity, folks. We assume that is also the reason for the giant switch in 's-Hertogenbosch. Admire. Discuss.

There are stories in this issue. And laughs aplenty. I speculate, as I am wont to. We try to puzzle you. Bluebottle breaks out fresh madness.

Read, comment, send more Stuff so we can do it again. But take it easy out there: remember to hydrate. And have the best week possible.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quote of the Week:

A Twitterer has discovered a rare book about UFOs from 1890. The book isn't available online. He gets this scholarly comment.
I'm actually sort of against putting this online as it's complete offline lineage means it hasn't been abridged or misconstrued or debunked. Also means the Mandela Effect hasn't changed it.

Jordan Gabriel

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Video Extra:
Luna and Martins
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Geese Conquer Bosch

Geese gathering by the medieval fortifications of Bosch, by Caiman Raptor Elk.



Chapter 22
O Fortuna

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Martello tower, by Milla.

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