House of the Morningstar: Chapter 16
Created | Updated Mar 5, 2023
House of the Morningstar: Chapter 16
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As time passes, more and more rumors arise about the death of Bob and Dave. Two days have passed since they have been found on level -2 close to our building. Security is still all over the place but they reassure everyone that it was certainly an accident and nobody should worry. They think however that maybe Bill is right and the underground line should take a different course. We also heard that many security cameras down in the sub levels were obviously not working for quite a while already without anyone noticing. Bill had obviously made quite a scene about that and how he would personally see that they got repaired as soon as possible so no more unnoticed accidents could happen. He did not accept any help from anyone who offered to send down a few technicians.
I have also heard that the cause of death was probably that they ran out of oxygen while doing something further down in the underground tunnels. Others say they were injured. I can't say what is true. Maybe they were injured first and then ran out of oxygen when trying to get to safety? Who knows. It all makes me feel very uneasy.
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Family Secrets
At noon, Elanor and Harry decided that it was time to get the sandwiches which they had left in the car in front of the house. The sun was shining in a pale blue sky, which was spotted with little fuzzy clouds. The maple trees in the driveway were shining brightly in the sunlight. The brownish grass below the trees was dotted with orange leaves. The purple asters next to the path were swaying slightly in a cool breeze. A few bees had gathered on them in the warm rays of the sun.
They emerged from the hidden room under Henry Morgenstern's glasshouse - Elanor had forbidden Harry to call it the 'secret base', which he found quite unfair. They had pushed the table in the glass house back to its original position, which caused the floor to close itself over the spiral staircase and the door to unlock again.
As they walked over the gravel path through the garden, Harry carried a box in which they had stored several items which they wanted to take with them for further inspection. Maybe they would get someone from the tech department to have a look at one or two of them.
Just as they reached their car in front of the house, Robert Morgenstern rushed out of the front door, still putting on his jacket as he ran.
'Wait!' he shouted as he hurried to them. 'You can't just take things with you from there! You had no business being there in the first place!'
Elanor stopped and turned around.
'Mr Morgenstern,' she said as calmly as she could, 'you are aware that we are the police and are investigating the death of your father-in-law, who died just four days ago, right? And you are aware that you are supposed to help us in any way possible, right?'
Harry nodded. 'There is a hidden base under your garden! Do you really think this has nothing to do with this case?'
Elanor shot him an annoyed look.
Robert Morgenstern shook his head. 'No, listen, you can't let anyone know about this. It's dangerous, who knows who will find out? And soon we'll have people all over the place. And who knows what they would do with it!'
Elanot looked at him sternly. 'Mr Morgenstern. We're the police. We're usually not known for spreading information.'
Robert Morgenstern nodded. 'Yes, but you will write it down and people will be able to find it, even if that is not your intention.'
Harry gave him a surprised look. 'So, that's why there are so many books? That's why there is no computer down in your secret... office? The oldtimer car... the off-brand devices... I've really wondered about that. Henry Morgenstern was afraid of someone... what? Stealing the information about nectar and all these strange items? What does it all mean?'
Robert Morgenstern shrugged. 'I don't know what it all is about exactly. Not all family secrets have been shared with me. I am sure my wife could tell you a lot more... if you had found her by now. She has been missing for four days now,' he gave the detectives an accusing look.
Elanor sighed. ,'You are right. I will take that matter into my own hands now. I have a contact in Katastropolis,' she took a pad from her pocket and checked something,' I will try to reach her as soon as possible. It's the middle of the night now over there. We know your wife arrived at Luna One and boarded her transport to Katastropolis. She should have arrived there by now.'
'Wait...,' Harry said suddenly,' the technology. If Henry Morgenstern had concerns about technology, why did he own a RoboFlux gardener 3k? It has automatic updates and a constant connection to the net. I mean, turns out maybe he was actually right about not wanting technology if we look at what killed him? Why did he have this robot at all?'
Robert Morgenstern sighed. 'He won it. At one of his flower competitions. I think he wouldn't have taken it if the prize wouldn't have gone to the 2nd place in that case.'
'Hah,' said Elanor,' don't tell me... Karl Wong?'
Robert Morgenstern nodded. Who else? I think Henry enjoyed teasing him. And once he brought it home people told Henry that as his age it would be good to have help in the garden. And after all, what could happen, we thought? The thing didn't get in the house anyway and it didn't seem much more dangerous than a toaster, right? We should have taken it more seriously. I wish I could turn back time.'
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