A Conversation for 'Only Connect' - the Television Quiz Show
excellent stuff
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Dec 8, 2019
I absolutely love this programme and Coren is an excellent host, she is clever, she is witty and she can take a joke and doesn't mind being the butt of the joke sometimes.
I once got one of the second round answers immediately after seeing the first one, as it was the fruit eaten by the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
I'm also in awe of people who solve The Wall quickly.
To be honest I don't like the bit at the beginning where they introduce their quirky hobbies like some kind of quirk-off. But that's just me. (and as Gruesome #2 says: you blog about public transport seat covers, you have no room to talk)
Excellent entry!
excellent stuff
SashaQ - happysad Posted Dec 9, 2019
Thank you
"I absolutely love this programme and Coren is an excellent host, she is clever, she is witty and she can take a joke and doesn't mind being the butt of the joke sometimes."
Well said! That puts into words why I like Victoria Coren Mitchell as host too
The Quirk Off is a bit strange, that it just deliberately mentions things that have no link to the team name, but I guess it does give a little bit of insight into the contestants.
I used to enjoy playing the interactive Wall game on the BBC website, but they took it away a while ago There is a bit of luck as well as skill involved - if contestants immediately pick the right four out of five or more possibles, then that does give them a head start
"I once got one of the second round answers immediately after seeing the first one, as it was the fruit eaten by the Very Hungry Caterpillar. "
I am ashamed to say that one passed me by, even though Very Hungry Caterpillar used to be my favourite picture book, too, as it is a while since I read it (although I did find a DVD of the animated version in a charity shop recently, so I look forward to watching that!). I once got one of the first round connections from the first clue because it was sufficiently distinctive (something mathematical, I think) - a great feeling!
I have been doing quite well with this series, picking up a few points here and there from the comfort of my own home. I sent off for an application form, but I couldn't answer the sample questions for starters, never mind pass a TV audition, so I won't be appearing in the 2020 series!
excellent stuff
Sho - employed again! Posted Dec 11, 2019
I hate the quirk off - they're not quirky they're just... trying too hard :D
My mum sent me the Caterpillar DVD for my birthday last year. It's great!! I think it might be narrated by the author but I'm not sure.
unfortunately I keep missing the programme. must try harder.
Oh yes, I really love spotting team members who have been on other things, maybe that will be my quirky hobby if I ever get on there...
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excellent stuff
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