Radio Dictator
Created | Updated Jul 22, 2018
Radio Dictator

Freewayriding writes:
Everybody's a critic….No, this is about my wife's car!
I rarely get the chance to listen to 'my' music when driving my wife's car, usually outvoted at least three to one and the rubbish that passes for 'music' nowadays gets airtime.
Dropped the wife off for a train to London the other day, so I thought I deserved to have a rock music radio station on the way back, just me, so I suspected I wouldn't outvote myself!
Rock channel selected on the touchy-screen thingy (my old banger still has a cd player, how antique!) and a pleasant hour of headbanging to look forwards would seem my wife's car does not like late eighties big-haired Yorkshire rock bands....the pic says it all, mate!