The h2g2 Post: 25.06.18

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 25th June 2018

What We're Doing on Our Summer Holiday,
and Other Imponderables

Bigfoot Alien Garden Gnome by Dmitri Gheorgheni The Bigfoot Alien Garden Gnome was kind of hard to miss. He made me glad I needed to visit the hearing aid specialist. What h2g2 Researchers see on their daily rounds would surprise you. Actually, what h2g2 Researchers see on their daily rounds will surprise you. Because they send the pics to the Post, and here they are. This week's worth, anyway. You're going to be very surprised, and probably amused. You may want to submit oohs and aahs and snarky comments. How do I know this? Just a guess based on previous behaviour.

We do have grownup stuff in here: Galaxy Babe has a beautiful essay on the subject of mourning. It's intelligent and thoughtful. In other words, completely unlike the rest of this issue. So go and read hers first, and comment appropriately. Don't worry: when it comes to insanity, GB is in there pitching with the worst of us. She's also sent a completely ludicrous photo for you to puzzle over.

What else do we have? Let us enumerate the weird delights contained herein:
Cat wrestling, Round 42

  • Having returned from the Cycad Forest, our Willem hopped in his time machine and went back to the distant past to bring us a wonderful gallery of Therocephalians. If these strange denizens of bygone Earth aren't familiar to you, it's probably because Steven Spielberg hasn't made them into a movie yet. Enjoy them!
  • Speaking of return journeys, Awix and his friends have boldly gone back into the horror cinema. The result? Less scary than...well, you'll see. Remember, Awix sees these things so you don't have to. We are grateful.
  • There are the obligatory cats, stars of photo ops and videos. Cuteness is dutifully paid homage in these pages.
  • We have some very puzzling photos. In addition to our alien garden gnome, there is evidence of Sirius Cybernetics infiltration in an English office building, a car with a menacing sign, another car covered in hazardous plant material, nature turned weird…you get the idea. Help us make sense of it all.
  • There are quizzes, so you can show that you have a higher IQ than a politician.
  • There is advice, both good and bad.
  • There is humour. We swear to this.
  • Fiction once again rears its head. The Post Editor snarks around with a morality tale set in space. Paigetheoracle has a chilling story set in a postapocalypse near you. I don't know what we're going to do: between Paige and FWR, the supernatural thrillers just keep coming. Don't turn the lights off, is all I can say.
  • There is the usual edifying Stuff, if you can find it in among the rest.
Proof of purchase of a dog harness that is NOT girly pink
Last week, practically all of h2g2 mocked me for putting Lola the Doglet in a pink harness. At the time, pink was the only colour the shop had. But as her harness was getting worn out (she'd slipped it more than once in pursuit of a hated, and much larger, dog), we decided on a new purchase. It has arrived, and is satisfactory. Lola thinks she looks quite natty now, and we hope you'll agree.

Notice: It is not pink. It is cream, and plaid. Now, all we have to do is to explain that no, she's not Scots. She's a Shorkie.

Go away and read now. And have a good week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Op/Ed
  • Don't be a Golgafrinchan.




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