h2g2 Caption Challenge: Teddy Roosevelt and Horse
Created | Updated Apr 23, 2017
Can you think of a snappy caption for this odd picture? Of course you can. You're a h2g2 Researcher.
Teddy Roosevelt and Horse

This is a statue. It stands, or rides, in front of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. (Somebody in the family left these holiday snaps on my computer, where they have become Public Domain.) The rider on the horse is Teddy Roosevelt, who was US president from 1901-1909. It says so on the statue, so I didn't even have to look it up. Teddy liked to ride. It is a well-known fact that he exhausted his military advisers by making them go on 50-mile horseback rides around Washington. TR was a menace. I have zero clue who his friend is, or why he didn't find him a horse, too. We think the devil made somebody put this statue up.
Have you got a caption for this quasi-patriotic eyesore?
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