UFOs over Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by Robert Price - Book Review and Quiz
Created | Updated Apr 9, 2017
UFOs over Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by Robert Price – Book Review and Quiz
I found this essential reading in a second-hand bookshop in Canterbury. There follows a short review, followed by an opportunity for you h2g2 Post readers to don your tinfoil hats and test yourselves as UFO investigators.
Bob Price was a self-styled UFO investigator operating in the region of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, in Southern England. He interviewed witnesses of such phenomena, and wrote it up for publication in BUFORA1 publications, like the now defunct UFO Magazine. This book, written in 1990, is a collection of reports giving a flavour of the apparently weird goings-on in the skies of this region, one of the most productive in the UK for UFO sightings.
As to the content, well, you've probably read it before: glowing cigar-shaped craft, saucers with flashing lights, aircraft which move impossibly quickly or vertically, folks in cars where the electrics cut out when the UFO is nearby, etc. In each case, Price writes it all clearly and methodically, emphasising anything which might give credence to the report – he's especially fond of quoting authority figures involved – policemen, pilots, AA patrolmen, etc. He does embellish each scenario with a slightly more florid description than is strictly necessary, yet this serves to make the text more readable as a collection rather than a look-up reference.
Perhaps the most tantalising thing about the book is Price's own views on the matter. Though he endeavoured to write each report as factual, you can tell he was engaged in a titanic struggle with himself to avoid mentioning the aliens which he clearly believed were behind each of these sightings. The tension in this respect is electric. On the reverse of the book the publisher writes:
In this impartial and yet informed review of the reported facts he has purposely omitted speculation or conjecture.
Yet in the book's foreword, BUFORA representative Paul Fuller admits:
This book presents many UFO cases which seem to defy all the laws of logic, and for Bob, as well as others, they represent one solution more than any other — extra-terrestrial visitation.
Indeed, the author becomes most energised when describing a series of close encounters. In one, Joyce Bowles from Chilcomb experiences the same aliens not once but three times. First, a pink-eyed, silver-suited alien approaches her car from his orange-glowing oval spaceship. The second encounter, one month later, saw her and family friend Ted Pratt abducted and given a guided tour of the spaceship. Joyce was visited a third time three months later and given a message which she will only reveal to mankind "when the time is right".
We'll finish this short review by mentioning the backdrop of conspiracy which runs through the book. The author clearly believes the Ministry of Defence has information on UFOs which it is refusing to share. When the authorities don't comment on the reports of strange phenomena they are sent by ufologists, this is tantamount to a full admission of guilt. The publisher also refers to some valuable photographs and pre-press manuscripts for the book being 'lost in transit', and goes on to say:
It would appear that in addition to the UFO 'watchers', there is a group of people in this country watching the 'watchers'.
Ok, on to the quiz.
UFO investigator's Quiz
Below, you'll find five genuine reports of UFOs from the inhabitants of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (including one from the visiting US Navy). Each turned out to have a logical explanation – they're now classified as IFOs – but can you identify what the folks actually saw? Write down your guesses, then click the image at the foot of the page to reveal the answers.
Case 1
On a cold dark winter's morning in the New Forest village of Butts Ash2, postwoman Wendy Rees received the fright of her life as a huge glowing UFO skimmed across the tree tops towards her.
"It was just glowing up there", said Wendy, "I was absolutely terrified!" … She leapt into her van and "Drove like hell back to the sorting office".
But what could she have seen? Write down your suggestion…
Case 2
A badly frightened driver from Andover once drove at breakneck speed down a long tree-lined road in a desperate attempt to shake off a huge, dazzling, white UFO that was racing alongside him.
"I could see it through the trees", he explained, "It seemed to be streaking through the branches. One minute it would be in front of me as I rounded a bend – the next, it would be back alongside!"
Again, make a note of your explanation…
Case 3
A cluster of seven "stars" caused consternation when they appeared over Hythe in the New Forest. Reports flooded in, and a photographer managed to take a fairly clear picture that baffled many – but not all!
What was confusing the good folks of Hythe? …
Case 4
Sailors from the American warship USS Houston, who proved a great favourite with the residents of Portsmouth during a wartime visit, grimly recalled the time they responded to the heart-stopping cry of the forward lookout.
"Enemy aircraft – Dead ahead!" Within minutes the crew were at action stations as the captain heeled his ship hard over in an attempt to bring his turrets to bear. The recoil from the mighty guns sent a shudder deep into the bowels of the ship as almost 300 high explosive shells were sent hurtling into the early-morning sky.
What did the enemy turn out to be? …
Case 5
Eastleigh railwayman Peter Steward was working on a section of track near Southampton Road. He chanced to look skywards and was astonished to be confronted with a huge grey UFO.
"It was far larger than a parachute and it looked to be even bigger than a light aircraft," he commented to enthusiastic reporters. He said that it exhibited a dull, almost colourless hue and was entirely devoid of any type of reflection.
The object flew inexplicably towards Eastleigh Airport and began to descend swiftly as it approached the runway, coming to rest just outside the airport perimeter.
What kind of aircraft was this? …
All done? Click the picture for the answers.
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