Create, March 2017: The Fight Against Fake News

2 Conversations

Create, March 2017: The Fight Against Fake News

Create March 2017: Fake News

We know the problem: Fake News. It's in our newspapers, on our internet, and in our email inboxes. What to do?

Do you have or The Straight Dope on your bookmarks list? Do you have your favourite experts on speed dial? How do you sort the wheat from the chaff in the field of information?

Help us fight misinformation. Write us a Guide Entry:

  • Do you know a lot about a subject that's misunderstood today? Tell us about it!
  • Do you want to clear up a widely-believed myth? Prepare for controversy! (But we love controversy.)
  • Can you chronicle an event in history that was influenced by Fake News? Tell us about the hoaxes of the past, and how they worked out.

Help in the discussion:

  • Tell us about your fake news experiences.
  • Tell us how you fight rumour, innuendo, and general stupidity in your daily life.
  • Host a round table on the subject, and send the results to the h2g2 Post.
  • Collect some egregious examples of Fake News. Or make your own up. (Remember to follow the House Rules!)
  • Contribute some fact, fiction, or humour on the subject of Fake News.

h2g2: We document our sources. We leave no fact unturned. Help us shed some light on a modern plague!


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